Career Guides
Solar Photovoltaic Installer

Career Guide: How to become a Solar Panel Installer


As the world increasingly shifts towards renewable energy sources, the demand for skilled professionals in the solar industry continues to soar. Among these coveted roles is the solar panel installer, a key player in the transition towards a greener planet. This career guide aims to provide an in-depth look at everything you need to know about becoming a solar panel installer. From the fundamental responsibilities and qualifications to salary expectations and job outlook, this guide covers the crucial aspects to consider if you're contemplating a career in this dynamic field.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to switch careers, understanding the role of a solar panel installer will help you assess its suitability for your skills and interests. The solar industry not only promises a future-proof career but also offers the satisfaction of contributing to environmental conservation. Let's delve into what it takes to embark on this rewarding career path.

What Is a Solar Panel Installer?

A solar panel installer, also known as a photovoltaic (PV) installer, is a professional responsible for the installation and maintenance of solar energy systems. These systems convert sunlight into electricity and are becoming increasingly popular due to the rising awareness of sustainable energy sources. The role of the installer is crucial in ensuring that these systems are installed safely and efficiently, maximizing their performance and durability over time.

Solar panel installers work on a variety of properties, including residential homes, commercial buildings, and sometimes even in large-scale solar farms. Their job typically starts with evaluating a site to determine the best installation method, followed by planning and executing the layout of solar panels. This requires a good understanding of electrical systems, the mechanics of mounting systems, and often involves working closely with other construction professionals to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

The popularity of solar energy solutions means that the role of the solar panel installer is ever-evolving, with advancements in technology and methods continually emerging. This profession not only contributes significantly to environmental sustainability but also offers a promising career path due to the growing demand for renewable energy sources.

Key Responsibilities of a Solar Panel Installer

Solar panel installers play a crucial role in the transition to renewable energy sources. Their primary responsibilities encompass a variety of tasks that ensure the proper installation and functionality of solar panel systems. Understanding these responsibilities can provide insights into the daily demands and skills needed for this career.

Site Assessment

One of the initial duties of a solar panel installer is conducting thorough site assessments. This involves:

  • Inspecting the location to determine its suitability for solar panel installation.
  • Evaluating the structural integrity of buildings and roofs where panels might be installed.
  • Measuring solar irradiance levels in different areas to find the most effective placement for solar panels.

Design and Planning

After assessing the site, solar panel installers must:

  • Design the layout of the solar panels, taking into consideration factors like shading, angle of the sun, and aesthetic aspects of the placement.
  • Plan the electrical systems that will connect to the local power grid.
  • Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations and standards.


The core responsibility is the physical installation of the solar panel systems. This part of the job includes:

  • Setting up solar panels, inverters, and other necessary components.
  • Executing wiring of the electrical systems safely and effectively.
  • Mounting panels on roofs or other structures, ensuring they are secure and functional.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Post-installation, installers also handle maintenance and troubleshooting tasks such as:

  • Conducting regular maintenance checks to ensure systems operate efficiently.
  • Diagnosing and repairing any issues to minimize downtime and maximize the performance of the solar panels.
  • Upgrading older systems to newer technology when necessary.

Customer Service and Documentation

Effective communication forms an essential part of a solar panel installer's job. They must:

  • Guide and educate customers on how the solar panel systems work and how to maintain them.
  • Provide detailed documentation of the installation process, maintenance schedules, and warranties.
  • Address any concerns or questions customers might have post-installation.

In conclusion, the role of a solar panel installer is multifaceted and essential for ensuring the successful adoption and functionality of solar energy solutions. Their contributions not only impact individual homes and businesses but also significantly contribute to the broader goal of sustainable energy use.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Solar Panel Installer?

Becoming a solar panel installer can vary in time depending on several factors, including prior experience, educational path, and certification requirements. Typically, individuals can enter the field relatively quickly compared to other trades.

Immediate Start with On-the-Job Training: Many solar companies offer entry-level positions that include on-the-job training. This route allows newcomers to start working and learning immediately. The duration of such training typically ranges from a few weeks to several months, depending on the company's structure and the complexity of the tasks involved.

Technical Training Programs: For those seeking more formal education, technical schools and community colleges frequently offer solar photovoltaic (PV) installation courses or programs. These programs can last anywhere from a few months to two years. A typical certificate program may take about six months, while an associate degree in a related field like renewable energy technology could take up to two years.

Certifications: While not always mandatory, obtaining a certification can enhance a solar panel installer's credentials and potentially lead to higher pay or more advanced positions. The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) offers various levels of certification, which are highly regarded in the industry. Preparing for and obtaining these certifications might require additional study time, ranging from a few months to over a year, depending on the individual’s background and the specific certification.

Apprenticeships: Another pathway is through apprenticeships, which combine paid on-the-job training with classroom instruction. An apprenticeship can last between 1 to 4 years, closely aligning with traditional trade apprenticeships in other fields. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of solar installation.

In conclusion, the time it takes to become a functional solar panel installer can vary widely. Some might start working immediately with minimal training, while others might invest several years in order to specialize and gain advanced certifications. Regardless of the pathway chosen, continuous learning and keeping up with new technologies and methods remain crucial in this ever-evolving field.

What are the Qualifications Required to Become a Solar Panel Installer?

Becoming a solar panel installer typically does not require a formal university degree, but several qualifications and certifications can significantly enhance both your skills and employability in the field. Below, we outline the most common and beneficial qualifications to acquire if you are considering a career as a solar panel installer.

Educational Background

A high school diploma or equivalent is usually sufficient to enter into a career as a solar panel installer. However, courses or diplomas in subjects like mathematics, physics, or vocational training in electrical or mechanical fields can provide a strong foundation.

Technical Training and Certification

Technical training programs, which can last from a few months up to a year, are invaluable. These programs are often offered by community colleges, vocational schools, and private technical institutions. They cover fundamentals such as:

  • The basics of photovoltaic (PV) technology
  • Electrical systems
  • Safety and first aid procedures
  • Installation and maintenance of solar panels

Upon completion of a training program, obtaining a certification can significantly boost your professional credibility. Certifications like the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certification are highly respected in the industry and can lead to better job opportunities and higher wages.


In many states and regions, solar panel installers need to have a specific license, akin to general contractors. The requirements for these licenses vary, but they typically involve a combination of experience, exams, and additional training.


Working as an apprentice under experienced installers is another path to gaining the necessary qualifications. An apprenticeship can last between 1 to 2 years and provides on-the-job training, which is invaluable for developing practical, hands-on skills in solar panel installation.

Continuing Education

As technology and regulations evolve, continuing education becomes pivotal in staying updated with the latest industry standards and practices. This could involve periodic recertification or additional training sessions focusing on new technologies and techniques.

Acquiring the right mix of education, technical training, certification, and practical experience can open up numerous opportunities in the solar industry, making the role of a solar panel installer not only accessible but also a promising career choice.

What are the Skills and Knowledge Required to Become a Solar Panel Installer?

Becoming a proficient solar panel installer requires a solid foundation in several technical and non-technical skills. The ability to combine practical skills with core knowledge ensures effective installation and maintenance of solar panel systems which are key to a sustainable future. Below are the essential skills and knowledge base required for a career in solar panel installation.

Technical Skills

  • Electrical Skills: Understanding of basic electrical wiring and components is crucial as solar panel systems are highly electrical. Installers need to handle wiring, inverters, and other connections safely and effectively.
  • Mechanical Skills: Installers must also have hands-on capabilities with various mechanical systems to mount panels and set up framing systems securely on different kinds of roof structures and terrains.
  • Solar System Design: Knowledge of designing solar systems according to site specifications and customer requirements is important to optimize energy output and efficiency.
  • Tool Proficiency: Expertise in using a wide range of hand and power tools, including drills, wrenches, and multimeters, to successfully install and test the solar module.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Installers often encounter unforeseen issues during the installation process, from unexpected roof damage to system malfunctions. Being able to quickly troubleshoot, use logical reasoning to evaluate solutions, and solve these issues promptly is vital.

Physical Fitness and Endurance

The role of a solar installer is physically demanding, often requiring climbing, lifting heavy equipment, and working at heights or in cramped spaces. Physical fitness is necessary to perform these tasks efficiently and safely.

Safety Knowledge

A deep understanding of safety practices is non-negotiable. This includes knowledge of fire safety when dealing with electrical components, as well as occupational safety standards to prevent falls and other on-site injuries.

Soft Skills

  • Communication: Installers must effectively communicate with clients, team members, and possibly authorities. They need to explain technical information in an understandable way and also be good listeners.
  • Customer Service: Positive interaction with customers, addressing their concerns, and ensuring their satisfaction with the installation process can set the groundwork for future recommendations and business growth.
  • Teamwork: Solar projects often require coordination with other technicians and laborers. Being a collaborative team player helps in the smooth execution of solar installations.

To sum it up, a successful solar panel installer combines diverse technical skills with strong problem-solving abilities and excellent interpersonal skills to effectively install and maintain modern solar systems and promote renewable energy solutions.

How Much Does a Solar Panel Installer Make?

The earnings of a solar panel installer can vary widely depending on several factors including geographic location, experience, and the type of employment (whether they are self-employed or working for a company). Understanding the financial prospects in this green career is key for many who are considering entering the field.

Entry-Level Salary: For newcomers, the starting salary for a solar panel installer might hover around the national minimum wage, but quickly increases with experience and specialization. Generally, entry-level salaries range from $30,000 to $40,000 annually.

Median Salary: According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for solar photovoltaic installers was around $46,470 as of May 2021. It is pertinent to note that half of the workers in this occupation earned more than this amount and the other half earned less.

Top Earners: Experienced solar panel installers who have moved up to supervisory roles, or who operate their businesses, can earn more significantly. The top 10% of earners might enjoy annual salaries exceeding $64,000. Furthermore, those specializing in large-scale installation projects or who have obtained advanced certifications may command higher wages.

In addition to salaried compensation, it's common for installers to receive additional benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, and paid vacations, which substantially add to the total compensation package. However, these benefits often vary by employer and some installers working on contract might not receive them.

Regional Variations: Salaries also differ geographically. States with high use of solar technology like California, Arizona, and New Jersey often offer higher salaries due to the greater demand for installers. In these regions, salaries can be considerably higher than the national average.

Future prospects in solar installation also appear robust. As technology advances and as more states adopt renewable energy goals, salaries for this role are expected to remain competitive as demand for skilled installers continues to grow.

Career Outlook for Solar Panel Installers

The renewable energy sector is growing at an unprecedented rate, with solar energy leading the charge. As a result, the career outlook for solar panel installers is exceptionally promising. Employment in this sector has been steadily increasing each year, driven by the continuous adoption of solar energy solutions by both residential and commercial sectors.

Expanding Market: The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that solar power is the fastest-growing energy source worldwide, suggesting a continued increase in the demand for skilled installers. Governments around the globe are pushing for more sustainable energy solutions, resulting in favorable policies and incentives for solar energy adoption.

Technological Advancements: As technology in solar panel manufacturing advances, the cost of solar installations decreases, making it more accessible to a broader audience. This not only boosts the market demand but also opens up more job opportunities for installers.

  • Job Security: With the industry's expansion, job security for solar panel installers is strong, with many positions expected to be created in the coming years.
  • Diverse Opportunities: Careers in solar installation offer a variety of roles ranging from on-site installers to technical sales representatives and project managers.
  • Geographic Flexibility: Sunlight is a universal resource, which means there are opportunities for solar panel installers in almost every part of the world.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of solar photovoltaic (PV) installers is projected to grow significantly faster than the average for all occupations. Data suggests a growth rate of about 51 percent from 2019 to 2029, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is an indicator not only of the viability of a career in solar panel installation but also of potential advancements and salary increments as expertise in the field deepens.

In conclusion, for those interested in a career that contributes to environmental sustainability, solar panel installation is a worthwhile and economically attractive choice. With increasing support from technology, legislation, and societal demand for renewable energy, the future shines brightly for professionals in this dynamic field.

Finding Jobs as a Solar Panel Installer

Embarking on a career as a solar panel installer can be both exciting and rewarding. As the demand for renewable energy solutions grows, so do opportunities in the solar industry. Here are several effective strategies and resources to help you secure a position as a solar panel installer:


Industry Events: Participate in energy conferences, workshops, and trade shows. These platforms allow you to meet industry veterans and potential employers, providing insights into emerging technologies and job openings.

Online Forums and Groups: Join online communities and social media groups focused on solar energy. Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook host numerous groups where jobs are frequently posted and where you can ask industry-specific questions.

Education and Certification

Earning certifications not only boosts your expertise but also makes you a more attractive candidate. Certifications such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) are highly respected in the industry. Ensure that you continue your education to stay updated with the latest technologies and regulations.

Job Boards and Company Websites

  • Specialized Job Boards: Websites like Solar Energy Jobs, Green Job Bank, and Indeed provide listings specifically for careers in the solar industry.
  • Company Careers Pages: Regularly check the careers pages of leading solar companies such as SunPower, First Solar, and SolarCity. Many companies prefer to post openings on their websites before advertising them elsewhere.


Consider an apprenticeship, which offers on-the-job training under the supervision of experienced installers. This hands-on approach provides a deep understanding of the technical aspects of solar installation and helps build valuable industry connections.

Tips for Applying

  • Tailor Your Resume: Highlight relevant experience and skills, emphasizing any work that involved electrical systems or construction.
  • Prepare for Interviews: Be ready to discuss your knowledge of solar technology, your experience with installation, and how you handle complex projects. Practical demonstrations or portfolios of past installs can also be persuasive.
  • Follow Up: After interviews or networking events, send a thank-you email to express your continued interest and remind them of your qualifications.

By combining the right educational background, an understanding of the sector, and networking effectively, you can find significant opportunities in the rapidly expanding field of solar energy installation.


The role of a solar panel installer is crucial in the ongoing shift towards renewable energy. With the increasing emphasis on sustainability, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is expected to rise. This career not only offers a chance to contribute significantly to environmental conservation but also provides a stable and potentially lucrative professional path.

Becoming a solar panel installer does require specific technical skills and knowledge, which can be acquired through various training programs and certifications. The investment in education and hands-on experience is essential, but the rewards, including job satisfaction, competitive salaries, and growth opportunities, mirror the effort.

Moreover, the broad spectrum of duties—from assessing installation sites and connecting solar panels to monitoring systems and maintaining records—ensures a dynamic work environment that can continuously challenge and enhance one’s skills.

For those interested in technology, the environment, and impactful work, a career as a solar panel installer offers a fulfilling opportunity to engage with all three. As this field continues to expand and evolve, the role of solar panel installers will not only become more essential but also more exciting and rewarding.


Here are some frequently asked questions about becoming a solar panel installer:

Do I need a specific degree to become a solar panel installer?

No, a specific degree is not required to become a solar panel installer. However, having a background in electrical engineering or a related field can be beneficial. Most of the training is provided on-the-job or through specific certification programs related to photovoltaic systems.

Are there any certifications required to become a solar panel installer?

While not always mandatory, obtaining a certification such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certification can enhance job prospects and credibility in the field.

How physically demanding is the job of a solar panel installer?

The job can be quite physically demanding as it often involves climbing ladders, lifting heavy equipment, and working at heights on rooftops. Good physical fitness is important for safety and efficiency in this role.

Is experience in construction necessary for becoming a solar panel installer?

While not strictly necessary, experience in construction, particularly roofing, can be very helpful. It provides a better understanding of structural issues and safety protocols on construction sites.

What are the long-term career prospects for a solar panel installer?

The long-term career prospects are generally positive with the growing focus on renewable energy. Opportunities for advancement into roles such as project management, systems design, or sales within the solar industry are available for those with the requisite experience and additional training.

Can a solar panel installer work independently?

Yes, experienced solar panel installers can become independent contractors or start their own business installing solar panels, though this generally requires a good understanding of business operations and local market conditions.

Are there opportunities for ongoing learning as a solar panel installer?

Yes, the field of solar technology is rapidly evolving, requiring continuous learning and updating of skills, especially pertaining to new technologies, installation methods, and safety regulations.

What is the impact of weather on the job of a solar panel installer?

Weather can significantly impact work schedules, as poor weather conditions can hinder the ability to safely install rooftop panels. Seasonality can affect job availability, with more work generally available during warmer months. Installers need to be prepared for fluctuations in work volume due to these conditions.

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